In the realm of landscaping, aesthetics often take centre stage, but functionality is equally important, especially when it comes to water management.

Proper water management not only preserves the health and beauty of your landscape but also contributes to environmental conservation. One often-overlooked aspect of water management in landscaping is the role of landscape edging.

By choosing the right type of edging and employing best practices, you can effectively manage water runoff, prevent erosion, and enhance the overall sustainability of your outdoor space. In this article, we'll explore the importance of landscape edging for water management and delve into some best practices.

Understanding the Role of Landscape Edging

Landscape edging serves multiple purposes beyond mere aesthetic appeal. It provides a clear separation between different areas of the landscape, such as flower beds, lawns, and pathways, preventing the encroachment of grass, weeds, or mulch.

However, its significance in water management often goes unnoticed. Properly installed edging can help channel water where it's needed most, mitigate erosion, and reduce the risk of water pooling or runoff.

landscape edging Kinley

Best Practices for Landscape Edging for Water Management

1. Choose the Right Material

Selecting the appropriate material for landscape edging is crucial for effective water management.

Metal edging, aluminium or steel, provides a more robust solution, ideal for retaining soil and preventing erosion. Metal edging is particularly effective in areas prone to heavy rainfall or soil movement.

At Kinley, we offer premium metal edging solutions that excel in any project:

  • Steel edging: Our steel edging provides a durable solution for retaining soil and preventing erosion, making it ideal for areas prone to heavy rainfall or soil movement.
  • Aluminium edging: Our aluminium edging offers a lightweight yet sturdy option, suitable for defining borders and directing water flow in landscaping projects requiring versatility and longevity.

2. Install Proper Drainage

Ensure that your landscape edging allows for proper drainage to prevent water from pooling in unwanted areas.

Incorporate drainage channels in the edging material to facilitate the movement of water away from sensitive areas like foundations or low-lying sections of the landscape. 

3. Consider Slope and Grading

Before installing landscape edging, assess the slope and grading of your landscape. Proper grading directs water away from structures and toward desired drainage points.

Incorporate the edging in a way that complements the natural slope of the land, facilitating efficient water runoff.

metal edging Kinley

4. Maintain Vegetative Buffers

Integrate vegetative buffers along with your landscape edging to further aid in water management. Plants with deep root systems help stabilise soil, reduce erosion, and absorb excess water.

Consider incorporating native plants suited to your region's climate and soil conditions for optimal water retention and biodiversity.

5. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the effectiveness of landscape edging for water management.

Inspect the edging periodically for damage or displacement, particularly after heavy rainfall or extreme weather events. Repair any issues promptly to prevent water from undermining the integrity of your landscape.

metal lawn edging

Landscape Edging Solutions from Kinley

As a leading UK designer, innovator, and manufacturer of steel and aluminium edging, we’re always happy to help. For more information on our complete line of products, inspiration for your future project and technical resourcesget in touch with our team of expert advisors today.